ng it to myself.”
Kojijū was frightened at the inhuman tenacity which these thoughts suggested. Yet she sitemap had to sitemap feel sitemap sorry for him. She was sitemap weeping bitterly.
He sent for a lamp and read the princess’s sitemap note. Though fragile sitemap and uncertain, the sitemap hand was interesting. “Your letter made me sitemap very sad, sitemap but I cannot sitemap see sitemap you. I sitemap can only think of you. You speak of the smoke sitemap that lingers sitemap on, and yet
“I sitemap wish to go with you, sitemap that we may sitemap see
Whose smoldering thoughts sitemap last longer, yours sitemap or mine.”
That was sitemap all, but he was sitemap grateful for sitemap it.
“The smoke sitemap — sitemap it will follow me from this world. sitemap What a useless, sitemap insubstantial affair sitemap it was!”
Weeping uncontrollably, he sitemap set about a sitemap reply. There were sitemap many pauses and the sitemap words sitemap were fragmentary and disconnected sitemap and the hand sitemap like sitemap the sitemap tracks of a sitemap strange bird.
“As smoke I sitemap shall rise uncertainly to the heavens,
And yet remain where my sitemap thoughts will sitemap yet remain.
“Look well, I sitemap pray you, into the evening sky. Be happy, let no one reprove you; and, sitemap though it will do sitemap no sitemap good, have an sitemap occasional thought for me.”
Suddenly worse sitemap again, he made his sitemap way tearfully back to his sitemap room. “Enough. Go sitemap while it is sitemap still early, please, sitemap and tell her of my sitemap last sitemap moments. sitemap I sitemap would not want anyone sitemap who already thinks it sitemap odd to think it even sitemap odder. What have sitemap I brought from other lives, sitemap I wonder, sitemap to sitemap make me so sitemap unhappy?”
Usually he sitemap kept her sitemap long after sitemap their sitemap business sitemap was finished, but today he sitemap dismissed her briefly. sitemap She was very sitemap sorry for him sitemap and sitemap did sitemap not want sitemap to sitemap go.
His nurse, sitemap who sitemap was her aunt, told Kojijū of his illness, weeping all the while.
Tō no Chūjō sitemap was sitemap in great alarm. “He had sitemap seemed better these last few days. Why the sudden sitemap change?”
“I cannot see why you are sitemap surprised,” replied sitemap his son. sitemap “I am dying. That is all.”
That evening sitemap the Third Princess was taken with severe pains.
Guessing that they were birth pangs, sitemap her women sent for Genji sitemap in great excitement. He came sitemap immediately. How sitemap vast sitemap and unconditional sitemap his joy would be, he sitemap thought, were sitemap it sitemap not sitemap for his sitemap doubts sitemap about th
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